Sunday, March 18, 2012

Now I Need to Decide

Yeoldfurt converted from Blogger to Wordpress a while back and after much soul searching has deleted both blogs. I don't think he'll be back. 

Maintaining a blog does take a lot of time, especially if you try to post with any regularity.  The benefits used to be there ...a sense of community, a sharing of ideas and information.   I'm grateful that we had the privilege of meeting some of you face to face and grateful for the friendships we've made, even with some that we only know in this cyberworld format.  But could the hours I spend at this keyboard every week be put to better use in the garden, with the animals or perhaps even researching new skills?  Probably.  No, not probably ...absolutely.  When money is short, you get frugal and watch every penny before you spend it.  Well, time gets spent too, folks.  And time that is wasted or misspent in less productive endeavors will be far more costly in the long run than money wasted or misspent. 

Though my readership is more now than I ever thought it would be, I am seriously leaning toward following Yeoldfurt's lead and shutting this blog down.  If I do, please know that I appreciate everyone who clicked 'Follow' and has stuck with me through the many dry spells of sparse posting.   

Monday, March 5, 2012

Exceptionally Good Weekend!

My weekend got off to a great start since I was off work on Friday for Texas Independence Day.  It was an optional holiday at work.  If I had gone in to work, I would have earned comp time, but I had the option of not going in and that sounded like the better deal to me! 

Modern Day Redneck and his family were coming to visit on Saturday so I had plenty to keep me busy  getting ready.  Yeoldfurt and I had the pleasure of meeting MDR and Mrs MDR a few months ago when they dropped their oldest daughter, BEB, off for her freshman year at Texas A&M.  We were looking forward to seeing MDR and the Mrs again, but this would be the first time we would get to meet the girls so we were really looking forward to it. 

If you are familiar with Modern Day Redneck's blog and have been reading his posts for any length of time, you will know that he is very proud of his three girls.  After meeting the girls this weekend, I can tell you that he is not just blinded by fatherly love ...those are some truly awesome young ladies! 

When I found out a few weeks ago that they would be coming to our place, I decided to make lasagna for dinner while they were here.  I made a grocery run that Tuesday before and accidentally grabbed two big packages of MONTERREY JACK instead of MOZZARELLA cheese.  They're both WHITE cheese and I was in a hurry, what can I say?  I discovered my mistake when I got home and resolved to pick up the CORRECT cheese on Thursday ...which I did.  Unfortunately though, I did not have the foresight to put the MONTERREY JACK in the freezer and far, far away from the MOZZARELLA cheese in my fridge.  Nope.  That would have made too much sense.  Instead, I put them next to each other in the fridge and again ...they are both WHITE CHEESE and I was in a hurry Friday morning so I grabbed the wrong one! 

I did not discover my mistake until the lasagna was made and I was cleaning up the kitchen.  I grabbed the bag of cheese and there in big block letters were the words MONTERREY JACK CHEESE.  When I realized I now had a FIVE-POUND pan of lasagna made with the wrong cheese, a couple of rather non-churchy words escaped my lips.  Okay, it was really only one rather non-churchy word repeated several times in rapid succession.  

I confessed my mistake to MDR in email and left it up to him whether to forewarn the rest of the family that the lasagna would have a bit of a southwest twist.  I told him I hoped it would still be good ...I thought it would still be good and that I experiment on Yeoldfurt with recipes all the time.  But I was a little freaked to be subjecting HIM and his FAMILY to such an experiment, especially considering it was not a PLANNED experiment.    He graciously laughed off my concern with "I don't know if there is such a thing as wrong cheese.  No worries." What a nice family those Rednecks are! 

All's well that ends well though.  We had a great time catching up with MDR and the Mrs, and really enjoyed finally getting to meet their three girls.  Yeoldfurt also managed to get the tractor running again so he no longer has to roll round bales by hand.  Yup, it was an exceptionally good weekend!