My excuse was to check fence which is always a good practice after any windy weather. But the truth is, I just wanted to forget the troubles of the last few days and enjoy the scenery. Since snow is so rare in these parts, winter here is usually dull and barren. Just dormant vegetation in multiple shades of brown against the variegated gray of winter skies. To see all that dullness dressed up in white from fresh fallen snow is just breathtaking while it lasts.
The catch pond had been completely dry most of the summer because of the drought. A week of heavy rain in November brought the water level about halfway back to normal again. Hopefully, we'll have better rainfall this spring and summer.
Looking back toward the house and barns, the snow was already starting to melt as the temperatures were finally above freezing. The afternoon forecast called for sunny skies and temperatures in the low forties.

The thing about walking dogs in the country is that they get to lead the way. We take our dog with us whenever we walk the property or even if we just walk up to the road to get the mail. She never takes off and one word from either of us stops her in her tracks or brings her to our side. She's revels in the freedom of no leash and I smile at the freedom of having absolute control with no leash.
The purpose of the venture was to observe the winter landscape but it wasn't long before we were being observed by the horses.
Being herd animals, when one horse is interested enough to stop eating, instincts take over in the herd and it isn't long before the others are checking you out too.
If they all stop eating long enough to snort and stare, it won't be long until someone is elected to come check you out. Dancer being the low mare on the totem pole almost always draws the short straw. She circles off to my left, probably intended as a diversion.
Then the others move in from the opposite side. You remember these two from Devious Deeds, I'm sure! When things are boring, they pester one another so much you'd think they couldn't stand each other. But when an adventure is afoot, they are always together and always right in the middle of it. They move in to my right in an obvious attempt to flank me.
I was never a threat to them and they were never a real threat to me or the dog. It was just a silly game of sneak attack, invented as a way to warm up on a cold winter day. Either they got bored because I wasn't playing 'scared' for them or they worked up an appetite from their little game because they were back to foraging in a matter of minutes and the dog and I continued our walk down the back fence line.
There were plenty of downed limbs on our property and the neighbors, but none that damaged the fenceline so it was just a nice walk in the woods. But after about 20 minutes, my face felt stiff from the cold so we headed back. I was cold and I could no longer feel my toes. But I was smiling because I knew I was going to be able to enjoy a long hot shower that evening ...all thanks to Yeoldfurt, my very own Dragon Slayer!
Snow always give the landscape a new perspective. Beautiful ponies you have there.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear the hot water is back.
Thanks, BR ...the ponies are a handful at times but they keep life interesting.
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful the hot water is back too. SO very grateful!
: )
Your photos are gorgeous! I know just what you mean about wanting snow - we'll take moisture in any form! Our average rainfall is supposed to be 13 inches a year, but we've been below that a few years now....
ReplyDeleteHello, Ten ...
ReplyDeleteWow, only 13 inches per year? That doesn't seem like much. Pretty bad to be behind if all you're supposed to get is 13 inches anyway! I forget what ours is, but I know it's more than 13.
This area was in their 2nd or 3rd year of drought when we bought this place. We've been here four years now and I think there have been only two years with normal rainfall. We've made out okay but sure would like two or three years of GOOD rainfall to see how nice we could make the pastures.
Nice pictures of the land and the horses. The one I like the most is of the one looking through the trees at the horse.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you have water again. It just makes things so much better.
Isn't running water (inside) a wonderful thing!
ReplyDeleteGlad you got some moisture from the snow. We felt the same with our 15 inches; we are still a little low on rainfall but more snow is predicted.
I enjoyed the virtual walk with you.
Absolutely, gld...
ReplyDeleteUnless you're primitive camping and mentally and physically prepared for all that entails, it ain't no fun with no water!
Glad you enjoyed our walk. We enjoyed it too!
: )
You have more snow than we do! I loved that first pic of the horse, breath taking! I head out with my dogs like that leashes here for my big golden nice! :D
ReplyDeleteReally beautiful photos...just lovely.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Julie and Lynda, regarding the horses. Thank you both for the kind words.
ReplyDeleteWe seem to have little time to ride these days, especially with short daylight hours in the winter. The horses make pretty pasture ornaments though.
: )