Monday, June 21, 2010

One Year Ago Today

I started this blog, not knowing for sure if I would keep it up or what direction I would take with it.  My husband had started his blog several months earlier and he encouraged me to start my own.  He always encourages me.  He calls himself Yeoldfurt, but he is my best friend.

I've made many new friends in the past year through this blog. Friends who share my values and principles. I am a homebody and a Christian and I'm all about family values.  Politics are taking up more and more of my time these past two years because I feel threatened by what's going on in Washington.  I do my best to keep up with the political goings on, but, for the most part, I leave the blogging about political subjects to my husband and several others who do a much better job with it than I ever could.  Debbie at The Right Truth is another one besides my husband that does a great job on those subjects.  Yesterday, she posted an excellent article by Chuck Green entitled "Obama is a Victim of Bush's Failed Promises."  I realize she didn't write this particular article but if she had not posted it, I would not have seen it.  I found Debbie via her husband's blog, The Grouch at the Right Truth.  (Psst ...he's not really a grouch!)  Both of them do a really good job of sifting through the spin and presenting real worth-the-read posts about the political storm that's brewing in this country.  Check them out if you get a chance.


  1. I really liked that article. And, similar to your situation, I never would've seen it if you hadn't posted it so thank you.

  2. Congratulations on reaching your one year blogging anniversary :)


  3. Well, you've been pretty quiet so I figure you're trying to soak up as much Granny week, oh I mean Cousins camp, as you can.

    Truly hope it has been a wonderful vacation.

  4. You've done great in one year and thanks for the kind words.

    Trying to keep up with politics these days is almost impossible with everything going on in Washington. We might have 5 or more big items happen in one day. I cannot wait until this administration is gone.

    No the Grouch is not really a grouch, he just wants folks to think he is. He's just an old softie behind that gruff exterior.

    Like you we have been married for a long time, have one daughter, one grandson who has been with us for the past week and will stay for another week.

    We are very blessed.

    Right Truth
